Wild Hare is proud to be an exclusive retailer of Devoción coffee!
Devoción that was founded in 2006 with the purpose of providing consumers with the freshest, high quality beans possible. Founded on the belief that freshness is flavor, Devoción has set an extraordinary 30 day standard of freshness (as opposed to the common 6 month standard) by working directly with small independent farmers in Colombia. Cherries are picked in Colombia, dry milled at the Devoción facility in Bogotá, and roasted at a flagship location in Brooklyn, NY. Devoción also a certified B-Corp with a direct network and relationships with over 1000+ small independent farm partners in Colombia, ensuring their roles as leaders in a globally inclusive and equitable economy.
From our espresso drinks to our drip coffee, Wild Hare is thrilled to be the exclusive provider of Devoción coffee in Massachusetts.